Thinking of buying some hi-fi to play your vinyl or simply upgrading?
Before you buy consider this.
As soon as you unpack the equipment, set it up and play it, it will be second hand, the value has dropped by half if you want to sell it on!
Turntable technology hasn't changed if anything design and individuality has taken a step backwards, take a look at what's on offer, BLACK Pro-Ject decks and Rega decks that look pretty much the same, often sharing the same motors and arms to keep production costs down. The shear diversity of design and function on 70's 80' and 90's record players should be enough to convince people to buy a vintage player. The quality of these early systems was often second to none as the competition was fierce. Features like auto start and stop, play again automatically and quick speed selection were seen as necessary components for a turntable, the cost of producing these players is now prohibitive so you have new turntables that play one speed until you manually move the drive belt (a bit of a faff if you ask me as it means taking the platter off to get at the motor) and they will keep revolving when the vinyl has finished until you manually take the stylus off and turn the player off,
Take a look in store at Better On Vinyl or online now on my website.
Simple economics. New record players of any quality like a Project deck will cost from £300 upwards, I have several in my shop from £150.00, second hand but barely used. Excellent Technics a nd Dual decks as well as Thorens are all available at Better On Vinyl.
Amplifier's and speakers can also cost hundreds of pounds new but there really isn't any significant difference in quality and sound reproduction from second hand equipment costing much less. Indeed to get a really satisfying sound you NEED LARGE SPEAKERS and a decent amplifier, if you are investing in buying records give yourself the best affordable equipment to play them on. You can set up from scratch for about £400.00, that's an amplifier, speakers and turntable.
You will hear the difference and be truly converted to vinyl.